About us

The company was founded in Heidelberg in 2021 by socially committed managers with corporate experience.

The declared goals of SuS are sustainable protection of our environment and climate as well as support and inclusion of socially disadvantaged people. To this end, SuS works together with several socially and ecologically committed non-profit organisations.

With its environmentally friendly and socially produced products, SUS offers a sustainable alternative to conventional items and helps individuals and companies to improve their contribution to a clean and fair environment.

We promote and integrate people with impairments and produce in workshops for people with impairments.

We give businesses a positive sustainable alternative to existing merchandise and promotional products.

Sustainable because made from recycled materials.

Responsible because socially produced and good for the environment.

Made by managers for managers, with nature in mind.

We are redefining equipment and accessories for business by using recyclable materials to support sustainable improvement of our eco-system.

The social aspect also plays a major role for us, as we want to give people with disabilities a chance and actually live the theme of inclusion.

We support organisations with a similar objective by providing a portion as donations for each product sold.

We produce the majority of our products in workshops for people with special needs.

Wherever possible, we use green logistics to transport our products to our customers.

It is time to act and not just talk about it.

SuS supports you in making a contribution to the environment and not neglecting social aspects in the process.

SUS Sustainability Solutions GmbH

Sustainable investments in a better future.




SUS Sustainability Solutions GmbH
Köpfelweg 41
69118 Heidelberg, Germany

mail (at) sus-corporation.com
+49(0)6221-724 6786